Bird Electric Enterprises LLC

Bird Electric is a full-service electrical company servicing both utilities and oilfield companies. Bird Electric began business in 2004 and has become the premier leader in distribution, transmission, substations, maintenance, electrical construction, automation, storm restoration, commercial, and industrial electrical services, having worked on numerous projects for valued clients covering over 10 states including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Florida, Mississippi, Idaho, California, New Mexico, Alabama, and Puerto Rico. Bird Electric also maintains FEMA rapid response contracts with states bordering the Gulf Coast and abroad. At Bird Electric we are committed to restoring power loss as a result of storms, natural disasters, and other mass power outages, and have worked every major storm hitting the United States since 2016, including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, Nate in 2017 and Hurricanes Florence and Michael in 2018.  In 2020 Bird Electric supported the Northeast after TS Isaias and the South and Southeast in the aftermath of Hurricanes Laura, Sally, Zeta, and Eta. 

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